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Triplet satellite bands of KRb molecule in the far blue wings of K and Rb resonance lines (CROSBI ID 474249)

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Skenderović, Hrvoje ; Beuc, Robert ; Ban, Ticijana ; Pichler, Goran Triplet satellite bands of KRb molecule in the far blue wings of K and Rb resonance lines // 15th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes, Program and Abstracts. Berlin: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, 2000. str. 78-78-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Skenderović, Hrvoje ; Beuc, Robert ; Ban, Ticijana ; Pichler, Goran


Triplet satellite bands of KRb molecule in the far blue wings of K and Rb resonance lines

In a hot metal vapor K-Rb mixture usually spectral phenomena of both K2 and Rb2 dimers appear together with KRb bands. Sometimes spectral overlaps preclude a clear observations of the satellite bands in the vicinity of the first resonance lines. However, in the case of potassium-rubidium vapor mixture the resonance lines are located within 765-795 nm spectral region, and the very far blue quasistatic wing can be investigated in detail. We found beside K and Rb satellite bands a three distinct satellite bands at 730 nm and a single shoulder at 755.5 nm that we asigned to KRb heteronuclear molecule. The interpretation of these KRb satellite bands is very similar to the interpretation of K and Rb satellite bands [1]. This will be discussed in terms of the recent ab initio calculations of the relevant potential curves. Quite recently Gabbanini et al. [2] have detected ultracold Rb2 molecules by two- photon resonance enhanced ionization at about 600 nm. We believe that resonance enhanced ionization using 755.5 nm satellite band wavelength can be useful in the detection of ultracold KRb molecules. ______________________________ [1] R. Beuc, S. Milosevic, M. Movre, G. Pichler, and D. Veza, FIZIKA (YU) 14 (1982) 345. [2] C. Gabbanini, A. Fioretti, A. Lucchesini, S. Gozzini and M. Mazzoni, Phys.Rev.Lett. 84 (2000) 2814.

triplet satellite bands; KRb molecule; potassium; rubidium

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Berlin: Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt

Podaci o skupu

15th International Conference on Spectral Line Shapes



Berlin, Njemačka

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