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The analysis of promotional activities in the furniture industry (CROSBI ID 464073)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | ostalo | međunarodna recenzija

Motik, Darko ; Jelačić, Denis ; Figurić, Mladen The analysis of promotional activities in the furniture industry // State and development trends in wood industry / Figurić, Mladen (ur.). Studio Hrg, 1997. str. 93-98-x

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Motik, Darko ; Jelačić, Denis ; Figurić, Mladen


The analysis of promotional activities in the furniture industry

The paper analyses advertising activities undertaken by the companies selling furniture on the Zagreb market. The analysis has shown that, in view of the possibilities and the general state of economy, considerable attention is paid to promotional activities on the Croatian market. However, there are companies which have not shown much interest in advertising. Unless they adapt to new marketing conditions, they will not be able to realize their business goals and enter the market in accordance with marketing concepts.

Product advertising; market research

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Figurić, Mladen

Studio Hrg

Podaci o skupu

VIII interchair meeting of organizers and economists in wood industry, XII economic forum



Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatska

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