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Intelligent support to material management concepts in wood industry (CROSBI ID 464075)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | ostalo | međunarodna recenzija

Grladinović, Tomislav Intelligent support to material management concepts in wood industry // State and development trends in wood industry / Figurić, Mladen (ur.). Studio Hrg, 1997. str. 127-132-x

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Grladinović, Tomislav


Intelligent support to material management concepts in wood industry

To illustrate a system dynamic continuing simulation of the stock quantities, aimed at optimization of the entire business process in a wood-processing company, this study included the design and behavior simulation of a dynamic material flow model. The simulation used real data of the stocks and suppliers. These models are intelligent system support in the process of computer-aided decision making.

stock; capital; simulation; modelling; dynamic programming

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Figurić, Mladen

Studio Hrg

Podaci o skupu

VIII interchair meeting of organizers and economists in wood industry, XII economic forum



Stubičke Toplice, Hrvatska

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