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Neurotoxic influence on Parkinsons disease (PD) course and morphology of nigral substance (NS) (CROSBI ID 556613)

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Crnjaković, Miljenko ; Budišić, Mislav ; Bošnjak, Jelena ; Lovrenčić-Huzjan, Arijana ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Vuković, Vlasta ; Demarin, Vida Neurotoxic influence on Parkinsons disease (PD) course and morphology of nigral substance (NS) // Journal of the neurological sciences / Lisak, R.P. (ur.). 2009. str. S294-x

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Crnjaković, Miljenko ; Budišić, Mislav ; Bošnjak, Jelena ; Lovrenčić-Huzjan, Arijana ; Trkanjec, Zlatko ; Vuković, Vlasta ; Demarin, Vida


Neurotoxic influence on Parkinsons disease (PD) course and morphology of nigral substance (NS)

Purpose: We initiated this study to detect possible neurotoxic influence on clinical course, disease characteristics and morphology of Nigral substance (NS) in PD patients. Patients: Study included 26 PD patients without any data about exposure to known PD related toxins, 15 PD patients occasionally exposed and 6 patients professionally daily exposed to numerous neurotoxic potent chemicals. Epidemiological screen data included exposure to pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals (manganese, mercury, lead, iron, zinc), organic solvents, head trauma, smoking, rural living and well water drinking. Methods: All PD patients underwent complete neurological and sonographic examination. Each patient underwent brain parenchyma sonography and hyperechogenicity of NS was measured. We compared age of PD onset, UPDRS and H&Y score, levodopa dosage, time between PD diagnosis was established and onset of late motor complications, dominating symptoms and sonographic results. Intergroup comparison was done with Student’s t test. Results: Our results showed younger age of PD onset (p < 0.05), the fastest development of late motor complications (p < 0.05), rigor as dominating symptom, and UPDRS and H&Y score showing higher motor disability (p < 0.05) in highly exposed group. However, sonographic examination revealed no statistically significant difference in NS echogenicity between groups. Discussion: Although increased echogenicity appears to be constant feature of PD, data obtained in this study suggest that toxic influence does not have influence on NS size. Results of this study also suggest that exposure to toxins could cause younger age of onset of PD, acce

neurotoxicity; Parkinson's disease; nigra

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Lisak, R.P.



Podaci o skupu

19th World Congress of Neurology



Bangkok, Tajland

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
