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Pineal gland cysts evaluated with transcranial sonography (TCS) (CROSBI ID 556621)

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Crnjaković, Miljenko ; Budišić, Mislav ; Lovrenčić- Huzjan, Arijana ; Demarin, Vida Pineal gland cysts evaluated with transcranial sonography (TCS) // Journal of the neurological sciences / Lisak, R.P. (ur.). 2009. str. S182-x

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Crnjaković, Miljenko ; Budišić, Mislav ; Lovrenčić- Huzjan, Arijana ; Demarin, Vida


Pineal gland cysts evaluated with transcranial sonography (TCS)

Purpose: Transcranial sonography (TCS) was never used in evaluation of morphology of pineal gland.We initiated this study to evaluate the possibility of TCS to detect the region of pineal gland, its cystic morphology and correlation with MRI scan in assumption that TCS may serve as an alternative neuroimaging method in evaluation of pineal gland lesions. Also we seek out to determine interobserver reliability for this method. Methods: The study included 17 patients with incidental pineal gland cyst detected by MRI scan and 36 controls with no previously documented data of the disease or signal abnormalities related to pineal gland on the MRI scan. Two independent physicians performed TCS blindly on results of MRI scan, freehandedly with Aloka ProSound SSD-5500. Pineal cyst was detected as every hypoechogenic area within hyperechogenic gland matrix or hypoechoic lession with or without septum surrounded by a thin echoic wall. Maximal width in latero-lateral and antero-posterior line was measured two times and matched with MRI scans. Results: Control scans revealed a pea-like uniformly hyperechogenic structure superior to mesencephalic line. The average size of gland in latero-lateral and antero- posterior line was 4.7 and 6.5mm what significantly corresponded to the results of MRI scan (p < 0.05), Cysts size on TCS scan varied from 3.5×5mm to 17×10mm in diameter what also significantly corresponded to the results of MRI scan (Pearson’s coefficient 0.96, p < 0.01). Also, interobserver reliability of this method was significant (r = 0.99, p < 0.05). Conclusion: In conclusion, our results suggest that TCS is a suitable method of neuroimaging in the evaluation of pineal gland lesions, especially in adult age. Although its resolution cannot match the MRI resolution, its repeatability and accuracy might add to its practical value. We suggest that the repeating MRI scanning of such lesions might be replaced by clinical and TCS exam follow-up.

pineal gland; transcranial sonography; TCS; cysts

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Lisak, R.P.



Podaci o skupu

19th World Congress of Neurology



Bangkok, Tajland

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
