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A Fuzzy Qualitative Framework for Indoor Rowing Kinematics Analysis (CROSBI ID 157124)

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Panjkota, Ante ; Stančić, Ivo ; Šupuk, Tamara A Fuzzy Qualitative Framework for Indoor Rowing Kinematics Analysis // WSEAS transactions on signal processing, 5 (2009), 8; 304-313

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Panjkota, Ante ; Stančić, Ivo ; Šupuk, Tamara


A Fuzzy Qualitative Framework for Indoor Rowing Kinematics Analysis

In this article an outline of a fuzzy qualitative framework for the indoor rowing kinematics analysis have been proposed. Main goal of introducing this fuzzy qualitative framework is to bridge the gap between high level of quantitative details obtained with various present – day sensory or video inputs and symbolic representation used by rowing experts. A Fuzzy qualification process of kinematic parameters is done on the basis of previously collected quantitative data and with possession of prior contextual knowledge for their qualification by rowing experts. Quantitative data acquisition is included indoor rowing kinematics recording by video motion tracking system. Generalizations of the proposed method on kinematics analysis of a common indoor human motion, problems of symbolic representation, as well as guidelines for method improvement are briefly discussed.

fuzzy qualitative analysis; indoor rowing; quantitative analysis; fuzzification; human motion

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