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Fish consumption and mercuy boda burden in women of reproductive age from urban area in Croatia (CROSBI ID 40114)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Janev Holcer, Natasa ; Vitale, Ksenija, Marić Senta, Ankica ; Brumen, Vlatka ; Mustajbegović, jadranka ; Andabaka, Damir Fish consumption and mercuy boda burden in women of reproductive age from urban area in Croatia // Nato Science for Peace and Security Series-C: Environmental Security-Water Treatment Technologies for the Removal of High-Toxicity Pollutants / Vaclavikova, Miroslava ; Vitale, Ksenija ; Gallios, Georgios et al. (ur.). Amsterdam: Springer, 2009. str. 29-39

Podaci o odgovornosti

Janev Holcer, Natasa ; Vitale, Ksenija, Marić Senta, Ankica ; Brumen, Vlatka ; Mustajbegović, jadranka ; Andabaka, Damir


Fish consumption and mercuy boda burden in women of reproductive age from urban area in Croatia

Mercury entering aquatic environment can be transformed by microorganisms into toxic methyl-mercury that biomagnifies in aquatic organisms. Seafood consumption is primary exposure route to mercury for humans. The most vulnerable groups are unborn and young children. The aim of this article is to investigate is there possible connection of fish consumption and mercury body burden in women of reproductive age in Croatia. Sample consisted of 75 women age 22 to 40, living in urban area for at least five years, and not occupationally exposed to mercury. They answered questionnaire about fish consumption and living environment as source of possible additional exposure to mercury. Hair samples were used as biomarker of exposure. Total mercury (tHg), that reflects methyl-mercury exposure, were measured using atomic absorption spectrometry method, using a single purpose instrument AMA 254 (Advanced Mercury Analyser), ALTEC Ltd, Praha, Czech Republic, which advantage is no sample pre-treatment. Women were divided in vegetarian 17 (23%) and non vegetarian 58 (77%). Results show that all 74 women had detectable levels of mercury in hair. The range of total mercury values in hair was from highest level of 3.90 g/g to lowest level of 0.08 g/g. Out of 75 women, 11 (14.8%) women were above the most protective reference dose of 1 g Hg/g in hair, calculated by US EPA. The lower values of tHg in hair from 0, 19 to 0, 08 g/g Hg were detected in 17 (22.9%) women who did not consume fish at all. All 75 women had values below the benchmark dose of 10 g/g Hg in the hair, set by WHO. The average fish consumption in sample was 1 meal per week. Mostly consumed fish is predominantly of local origin, canned tuna from unknown origin and rarely frozen imported fish. Although measured values of tHg in hair in some examinees is above most protective values, collected data on fish consumption which correspond with average fish consumption in Croatia show that overall consumption is very low and there is no danger of Hg exposure of vulnerable population. However, further and more detailed investigation is needed, with specific focus on Croatian coastal areas and islands where people consume considerably larger amounts of fish mainly from local sources. The common opinion that locally caught fish is not mercury contaminated become questionable, because latest studies show that 41% of the captive Atlantic bluefin tuna farmed in Adriatic Sea contain mercury above the maximum level of 1µg/g wet weight defined by the European Commission Decision and Croatian legislation.

mercury, fish consumption, hair, women, Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Vaclavikova, Miroslava ; Vitale, Ksenija ; Gallios, Georgios ; Ivaničova, Lucia

Amsterdam: Springer



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