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West to East - East to West: Baltazar Bogišić and the English School of Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence (H.S. Maine, F. Pollock, P. Vinogradoff) (CROSBI ID 40210)

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Čepulo, Dalibor West to East - East to West: Baltazar Bogišić and the English School of Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence (H.S. Maine, F. Pollock, P. Vinogradoff) // Rechtswissenschaft in Osteuropa. Studien zum 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert. / Zoran Pokrovac (ur.). Frankfurt: Verlag Vittorio Klostermann, 2010. str. 71-116

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Čepulo, Dalibor


West to East - East to West: Baltazar Bogišić and the English School of Historical and Comparative Jurisprudence (H.S. Maine, F. Pollock, P. Vinogradoff)

The article examines communication between Baltazar Bogišić and the English legal scientists as well as influence of the Bogišić's ideas on their works. Their contact is treated in the context of a broader communication between legal scientist from East and West, Bogišić being the one who transferred ideas in both directions.

Baltazar Bogišić, H. S. Maine, F. Pollock, P. Vinogradoff, comparative law

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Zoran Pokrovac

Frankfurt: Verlag Vittorio Klostermann



Povezanost rada

Pravo, Sociologija, Povijest