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Association between gliadin components and quality attributes of wheat (CROSBI ID 558063)

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Horvat, Daniela ; Drezner, Georg ; Dvojković, Krešimir ; Šimić, Gordana ; Magdić, Damir ; Nevistić, Ante ; Đukić, Nevena Association between gliadin components and quality attributes of wheat // Proceedings of 5th International Congress "Flour- Bread '09", 7th Croatian Congress of Cereal Technologists, October 21.-23., 2009., Opatija, Croatia. / Žaneta Ugarčić Hardi (ur.). Osijek: Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2010. str. 288-292

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Horvat, Daniela ; Drezner, Georg ; Dvojković, Krešimir ; Šimić, Gordana ; Magdić, Damir ; Nevistić, Ante ; Đukić, Nevena


Association between gliadin components and quality attributes of wheat

The monomeric gliadin fraction is important in contributing to bread making properties because of its viscous characteristics and interaction with polymeric glutenins. In this study 28 wheat genotypes grown at the experimental field of the Agricultural Institute Osijek in 2007 were analyzed. Composition and relative content of gliadin components has been examined by RP-HPLC method. Flour quality was defined through analysis of protein and wet gluten content, sedimentation value and gluten index, while dough rheological testing included two rheological methods, a farinographic and an extensographic. The proportion of "sulfur-poor" gliadins, ω-5 and ω-1, 2, ranged from 0.15 to 3.23 % and from 6.57 to 21.11 %, respectively. The proportion of dominant ײsulfur-richײ gliadins, α- and γ-, ranged from 38.89 to 55.18 % and from 30.09 to 52.80 %, respectively. According to obtained correlations coefficients (P≤0.05), the most pronounced relationship was found between α- and γ- gliadins and wheat quality attributes.

wheat cultivars; gliadins; flour; rheological properties; correlations; RP-HPLC

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Žaneta Ugarčić Hardi

Osijek: Prehrambeno tehnološki fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku


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Poljoprivreda (agronomija), Prehrambena tehnologija