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Shelf Life of Vacuum and Protective Atmosphere Packaging of Chicken Frankfurters (CROSBI ID 558266)

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Tovunac, Ivan ; Prpić, Tihana ; Jurić, Suzana ; Galić, Kata Shelf Life of Vacuum and Protective Atmosphere Packaging of Chicken Frankfurters // Proceedings of the 2nd Central European Meeting 5th Croatian Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists / Karlović, Damir (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za prehrambenu tenologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam, 2005. str. 258-264

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Tovunac, Ivan ; Prpić, Tihana ; Jurić, Suzana ; Galić, Kata


Shelf Life of Vacuum and Protective Atmosphere Packaging of Chicken Frankfurters

The objective of this study was to determine the shelf-life of vacuum and protective (modified atmosphere, MAP) packaging of chicken frankfurters during storage at different temperatures. For this purpose regular and with sodium lactate addition chicken frankfurters were produced. For vacuum packaging two different packaging materials, in form of vacuum bag and shrink pack, were used. For the MAP, using gas mixture of 70 % N2 and 30 % CO2, a package consistent of container and heat sealable cover was used. After 39 days of storage, at lower temperatures (0-4 and 4-8 oC) all samples were microbiologically acceptable, while those stored at room temperature were not acceptable after 9 days. There was not significant difference between the samples packaged in MAP or under vacuum conditions. The use of sodium lactate (3 %) provided negligible improvements when compared to the regular chicken frankfurters, either microbiologically or organoleptically. The frankfurters packaged in MAP showed slightly lower, and les pronounced drop in pH changes during storage, in comparison to vacuum packaged samples.

Chicken frankfurters; modified atmosphere; packaging; shelf-life; vacuum

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Karlović, Damir

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za prehrambenu tenologiju, biotehnologiju i nutricionizam


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