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Work-related stress and work ability among hospital physicians in Croatia (CROSBI ID 558600)

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Golubić, Rajna ; Milošević, Milan ; Fazlić, Hana ; Knežević, Bojana ; Furlan, Tomislav ; Mustajbegović, Jadranka Work-related stress and work ability among hospital physicians in Croatia // Towards better work and Well-Being: Programme & Abstracts / Labart, Laura ; Paakkonen, Taina (ur.). Helsinki: Starr-Offset Oy, Helsinki, 2010. str. 69-69

Podaci o odgovornosti

Golubić, Rajna ; Milošević, Milan ; Fazlić, Hana ; Knežević, Bojana ; Furlan, Tomislav ; Mustajbegović, Jadranka


Work-related stress and work ability among hospital physicians in Croatia

Aim: This paper is a report of a study conducted to determine which occupational stressors are present in physicians’ working environment and to estimate which stressors and to what extent predict physicians’ work ability. Method: A cross- sectional study was conducted. Questionnaires were distributed to a convenience sample of 269 physicians employed at six randomly selected hospitals in Croatia. The response rate was 60%. Data were collected using the Occupational Stress Assessment Questionnaire and Work Ability Index Questionnaire. Binary logistic regression was performed to assess how stressors and other socio- demographic characteristics predict work ability groups. Results: We identified six major groups of occupational stressors: Organization of work and financial issues, Public criticism, Hazards at workplace, Interpersonal conflicts at workplace, Shift work and Professional and intellectual demands. Predictors statistically significantly related with low work ability were: Organization of work and financial issues (OR=2, 88, 95% CI 1.41-5.87) and Shift work (OR=1.63, 95% CI 1.08- 2.45). Conclusion: Hospital managers should develop strategies to address and improve the quality of working conditions for physicians in hospitals. Providing organisational and career prospects can contribute to decreasing physicians’ occupational stress levels, thus maintaining their work ability.

work ability; occupational stressors; health care workers

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Labart, Laura ; Paakkonen, Taina

Helsinki: Starr-Offset Oy, Helsinki


Podaci o skupu

Towards better work and Well-Being



Helsinki, Finska

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita
