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Ethics and the structures of health care in the European countries in transition : hospital ethics committees in Croatia (CROSBI ID 160003)

Prilog u časopisu | kratko priopćenje | međunarodna recenzija

Borovečki, Ana ; Ten Have, Henk ; Orešković, Stjepan Ethics and the structures of health care in the European countries in transition : hospital ethics committees in Croatia BMJ. British medical journal, 331 (2005), 7510; 227-229. doi: 10.1136/bmj.331.7510.227

Podaci o odgovornosti

Borovečki, Ana ; Ten Have, Henk ; Orešković, Stjepan


Ethics and the structures of health care in the European countries in transition : hospital ethics committees in Croatia

Hospital ethics committees are a recent phenomenon in countries in transition. Croatia's example shows they are staffed mainly by older doctors with no specialist knowledge of ethical issues. The importance of professional relationships and the educational function of ethics committees have been ignored

ethics committees; hospitals; countries in transition; Croatia

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331 (7510)






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