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Ito cells in liver lesions and liver cirrhosis (CROSBI ID 559635)

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Dmitrovic, Branko ; Kurbel, Sven ; Horvat, Darko Ito cells in liver lesions and liver cirrhosis // Virchows archiv / Höfler, H (ur.). 2009. str. S200-S200

Podaci o odgovornosti

Dmitrovic, Branko ; Kurbel, Sven ; Horvat, Darko


Ito cells in liver lesions and liver cirrhosis

The aim of the study was to determine the association between the number of activated Ito cells with the activity and the stage of the chronic liver disease. The study included 31 patients with liver lesion and 32 patients with liver cirrhosis after completion of diagnostic procedures with liver biopsy. Liver lesion patients were diagnosed as: hepatitis C (17), hepatitis B (8) and ethylism (6). Liver cirrhosis causes were ethylism (10), hepatitis C (8) and B (6), PBC (5), hemochromatosis (2), and Wilson’s disease (1). The subgroups of the patients according to the etiology of the disease differed significantly in the disease activity (p=0.0462 ; Kruskal-Wallis test). Those subgroups of the patients did not differ in the stage of the disease (p=0.54). The number of the activated Ito cells did not differ between the those subgroups (p=0.06737 ; Kruskal-Wallis test). A significant difference was found in the cell number between the subgroups of the patients formed according to the Child- Plough classification (p=0.0013), dominantly between stages C and A. Furthermore, the liver lesion and liver cirrhosis subgroups differed significantly in the cell number (p=0.0002). The study showed that the disease activity 7 and the disease stage 3 were the cut-off scores by which one could expect the disease progression toward liver cirrhosis. The disease activity by different etiology was accompanied by the different number of activated cells in the initial stages, while the difference disappeared with the later development of cirrhosis.

Ito cells; liver; liver lesion; liver cirrhosis

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Höfler, H

Heidelberg: Springer


Podaci o skupu

22nd European Congress of Pathology



Firenca, Italija

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
