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Health at work and healthy environment (CROSBI ID 559701)

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Mustajbegović, Jadranka Health at work and healthy environment // Interantional Public Health Symposium on Environment and Health Research. Science for Policy, Policy for Science: Bridging the Gap. Kopenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2008. str. 65-66

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mustajbegović, Jadranka


Health at work and healthy environment

Working and living environment are widely recognized as sources of health risks. The purpose and aim of the research is to explore which psychosocial, physical and chemical factors in the environment in which people live and work are responsible for health damage outbreak as well as how and to what extent. The work of various researches involved in this project indispensable in reaching this aim. Scientific finding should support existing laws or serve as a basis for modifying them. Research will provide data on content and concentration of examined factors. The work on this project will create a better –connected group of researchers from specific multidisciplinary fields, thus enabling better environment and health management as well as better organization and application of health care, execution of public health projects and more precise legal decrees.

science; working and living environment

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Podaci o skupu

Interantional Public Health Symposium on Environment and Health Research. Science for Policy, Policy for Science: Bridging the Gap

pozvano predavanje


Madrid, Španjolska

Povezanost rada

Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita