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The traces of settling in Hrvatsko zagorje (Croatia) : During the Late bronze age (CROSBI ID 474891)

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Pavišić, Ivančica The traces of settling in Hrvatsko zagorje (Croatia) : During the Late bronze age // Il XIII Congresso dell Unione Internationale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche : riassunto = International Union of Prehistoric and Protohistoric sciences : abstrasts. 1996

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Pavišić, Ivančica


The traces of settling in Hrvatsko zagorje (Croatia) : During the Late bronze age

The region of Hrvastko zagorje, as the most western part of Croatia, has been the subject of the intensive archaeological research regarding the settlements with the Urn-field culture. So far the existence of the three large settlements has been discovered, namely at Bojačno, Krapina end Lobor. The excavating has been carried out by the Institute of Archaeology in Zagreb, by means of which the quarters with pottery, bronze objects, as well as osteological material have been discovered. The preliminary analysis provided data of the clear traces of life during the manifestation of the Urn-field culture in the region of Sava-Drava interfluvial area

Hrvatsko zagorje; settlemets; ceramic

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Congresso dell Unione Internationale delle Scienze Preistoriche e Protostoriche (13 ; 1996)



Forlì, Italija

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