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Roles and responsibilities of modern CIO - status and analysis of trends in Croatia (CROSBI ID 560420)

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Mađarić, Miroslav ; Krakar, Zdravko ; Lovrek, Višnja Roles and responsibilities of modern CIO - status and analysis of trends in Croatia // CECIS 2009 / Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Rabuzin, Kornelije (ur.). Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2009. str. 167-176

Podaci o odgovornosti

Mađarić, Miroslav ; Krakar, Zdravko ; Lovrek, Višnja


Roles and responsibilities of modern CIO - status and analysis of trends in Croatia

Article describes historical development of CIO (Chief Information Officer) function and the course of changes in their roles and responsibilities. Scientific literature sources were analyzed as well as existing CIO development competence models (SFIA, EUCIP, IRMA). These de facto standards are then mapped together making cross section for CIO BoK (Body of Knowledge) – core competencies, presented through main areas of CIO-s business value: demand and supply of IT/IS function. The results of research made in Croatia by means of CIO survey were presented. They include CIO demography and related companies key figures, education, roles and responsibilities in business systems and their expectations and potentials. Conclusions on existing status were made as well as recommendations of further steps in improving CIO’s development.

CIO; roles and responsibilities; IRMA; EUCIP; SFIA; Body of knowledge; Mapping.

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Rabuzin, Kornelije

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

Central European COnference on Information and Intelligent systems



Varaždin, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti