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Implementation of ICT in initial preschool teacher education in Croatia (CROSBI ID 41177)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Tatković, Nevenka ; Ćatić, Iva Implementation of ICT in initial preschool teacher education in Croatia // Perspektive kvalitetnog razvoja predškolskog deteta / Kopas - Vukašinović, Emina (ur.). Jagodina: Pedagoški fakultet u Jagodini Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, 2009. str. 29-67

Podaci o odgovornosti

Tatković, Nevenka ; Ćatić, Iva


Implementation of ICT in initial preschool teacher education in Croatia

Information and communication technology (ICT) has an epochal influence on the development of modern civilization. Coming into every sphere of human life and work, ICT inevitably enters the educational system: from preschool level to higher education level, changing its organization and the character of the educational process. ICT influences many aspects of most children's everyday lives, so children should be helped to become confident users of ICT, beginning with preschool age, and one of the ways in which this goal can be achieved is the development of ICT competence of future preschool teachers. ICT competence is also essential for improving preschool teachers' educational work – as a powerful tool in the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the educational process, in administrative tasks as well as in professional training. This paper begins with the role of ICT in the modern knowledge society and the necessity of development of ICT competence of future preschool teachers as one of the requirements of lifelong education. Furthermore, it considers the implementation of ICT in initial preschool teacher education in Croatia, emphasizing that application of modern information and communication technologies significantly affects the student's position in the educational process, facilitating the realisation of the basic demand of the Bologna process - student in the centre of the educational process. Accordingly, study programs at institutions for education of preschool teachers are analyzed in the aspect of the courses substantially related to the development of digital competence. Furthermore, the empirical research of circumstances and effects of ICT implementation in initial preschool teacher education is presented.

information and communication technology (ICT), preschool teacher ICT competence, education in Croatia

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Podaci o knjizi

Kopas - Vukašinović, Emina

Jagodina: Pedagoški fakultet u Jagodini Univerziteta u Kragujevcu



Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti, Pedagogija