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Croatian Geomagnetic Repeat Stations Network (CROSBI ID 561197)

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Brkić, Mario ; Šugar, Danijel ; Rezo, Milan ; Markovinović, Danko ; Bašić, Tomislav Croatian Geomagnetic Repeat Stations Network // NATO Programme Security through Science Advanced Research Workshop "New data for the magnetic field in the Republic of Macedonia for enhanced flying and airport safety" : proceedings / Rasson, Jean L. ; Delipetrov, T. (ur.). Dordrecht: Springer, 2006. str. 137-143

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Brkić, Mario ; Šugar, Danijel ; Rezo, Milan ; Markovinović, Danko ; Bašić, Tomislav


Croatian Geomagnetic Repeat Stations Network

The establishment of the first geomagnetic repeat stations network of the Republic of Croatia is presented. Repeat stations were designed in accordance with the recommendations of the Coordination Committee for Common European Repeat Station Surveys, and of the International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, as well as experiences of the European countries. Final locations of the repeat stations were determined by field evaluation of all criteria. Following the testing of various materials, rock monuments were selected to mark station locations. The network stations were established by implanting the monument using standard geodetic procedures. Simultaneously with the network setup, the first declination, inclination, and total intensity survey took place in the summer of 2004.

geomagnetic network setup; repeat station; total magnetic field

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Fizika, Geologija, Geodezija