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Rheological model of friction between brushes and commutator in electrical machines (CROSBI ID 475166)

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Ban, Drago ; Damić, Vjekoslav ; Milković, Mateo Rheological model of friction between brushes and commutator in electrical machines // Proceedings 11th EDPE / Ban, Drago ; Jakopović, Željko (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za komunikacije, računarstvo, elektroniku, mjerenja I automatiku (KoREMA), 2000. str. 184-187-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ban, Drago ; Damić, Vjekoslav ; Milković, Mateo


Rheological model of friction between brushes and commutator in electrical machines

It is known that the friction coefficient between brushes sliding against wavy copper commutator surfaces in DC machines strongly depends on pulsating current amplitude. Physical mechanisms taking place are complex and are not studied much.In this paper the rheological model of the interaction in the region of interest based on adhesive theory of friction and viscoelastic behaviour of material is proposed. As it is well known from theory of friction there is a great rise of temperature at asperitis over which a mechanical contact is taking place. The current flowing through the contact increases this temperature even more and this way influence viscoelastic properties of the contact material. Proposed model is simulated and compared with experimental results. Results shows that a model can be used as solid basis for explanation of friction behaviour of the brushes conducting current and sliding against commutator.

Elecrical machine; rheological model; friction; electrical brushes

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Ban, Drago ; Jakopović, Željko

Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za komunikacije, računarstvo, elektroniku, mjerenja I automatiku (KoREMA)

Podaci o skupu

11th International Conference Electrical Drives and Power electronics



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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