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ICT auditing and required competencies (CROSBI ID 562416)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Komnenić, Višnja ; Tomić Rotim, Silvana ICT auditing and required competencies // CECIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems / Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Rabuzin, Kornelije (ur.). Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2009. str. 127-133

Podaci o odgovornosti

Komnenić, Višnja ; Tomić Rotim, Silvana


ICT auditing and required competencies

This paper researches the role of IT auditors in conducting the internal audit activities (IIA) and the competencies of IT auditors and other audit staff in supporting those activities in internal audit departments. The internal audit function must be able to deliver a value for money service to management of the company. In an era when competitive advantage and cost reduction are critical, full advantage must be taken of technology. Therefore, the role of IT auditors has become very important in supporting the internal audit activities (IIA). Also, IT auditing supports many types of internal auditing in companies because today it is not possible to conduct auditing processes without IT support (e.g. CAAT tools and techniques). Research was conducted on three electrical industry companies (ESB-Electricity Supply Board from Ireland, IEC-Israel Electric Corporation and HEP-Croatian Electricity Company) in relation to roles and competencies. Also, this paper compares these same results with the ECIIA Common Body of Knowledge (CBOK) study of staffing, skills, competencies and the role of internal audit activities (IAA).

IT Auditors; IT audit activities;

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Rabuzin, Kornelije

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

CECIS Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems



Varaždin, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti