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San Francisco Coffee House: An American-Style Franchise in Croatia (CROSBI ID 41624)

Prilog u knjizi | stručni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Alon, Ilan ; Alpeza, Mirela ; Erceg, Aleksandar San Francisco Coffee House: An American-Style Franchise in Croatia // Entrepreneurship - Successfully Launching New Ventures / Barringer, Bruce ; Ireland, Duane (ur.). Upper Saddle River (NJ): Pearson Education ; Prentice Hall, 2010. str. 553-559

Podaci o odgovornosti

Alon, Ilan ; Alpeza, Mirela ; Erceg, Aleksandar


San Francisco Coffee House: An American-Style Franchise in Croatia

On the return to their homeland of Croatia following a six-year visit to the United States, a couple has decided to open their own coffee house, one that is unique to the Croatian environment - a California-style coffee house that offers the quality, service, product assortment, ambiance and efficiency found in sophisticated coffee shops in developed markets, and all for a locally affordable price. The major challenge faced by the couple is how to grow. Specifically, should they consider franchising over organic growth? If so, how should they go about franchising in a country where the market is developing and where franchising is under-regulated, underdeveloped and misunderstood? This case can be used in entrepreneurship, retailing, international marketing or international business classes. The case provides a practical example of when and how to use franchising.

Franchising, Entrepreneurship, Growth, Business Development

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Podaci o knjizi

Barringer, Bruce ; Ireland, Duane

Upper Saddle River (NJ): Pearson Education ; Prentice Hall



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