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Force sensors in tool wear monitoring (CROSBI ID 475283)

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Ergić, Todor ; Stoić, Antun Force sensors in tool wear monitoring // CIM 2000 Computer integrated manufacturing and high speed machining / Cebalo, R. ; Schulz, H. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS), 2000. str. I157-I163-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ergić, Todor ; Stoić, Antun


Force sensors in tool wear monitoring

The most frequent systems for indirect tool wear monitoring are based on cutting forces (deformation, torque, power) measuremens. Because of nonuniformity of the wear shapes and its progression, there is no simplified definition of the wear and the correlation with the forces components. If we concentrate on the flank wear as the representant of the tool wear, we can easily determinate that it cause increase of the cutting forces components in certain moment, and what is the boundary value of the forces for tool change decision. To obtain the answer for that, we have setted up the equipment with forces signal processing to obtain the force measurement data during the cutting process.

tool wear; force components

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Cebalo, R. ; Schulz, H.

Zagreb: Hrvatska udruga proizvodnog strojarstva (HUPS)

Podaci o skupu

6 th International Scientific Conference on Production Engineering



Korčula, Hrvatska; Lumbarda, Hrvatska

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