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Applieing Numerical Simulation Model for Infill Drilling Plan: Oilfield Kozarica (CROSBI ID 563507)

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Živković, Melita ; Ibrahimpašić, Haris ; Ivančić, Ivana Applieing Numerical Simulation Model for Infill Drilling Plan: Oilfield Kozarica // The Impact of New E&P Technologies on Oil Peak Problem and Global Hydrocarbon Reserves, Petroleum Engineering Summer School, Workshop 21/22, Inter-University Centre. 2007

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Živković, Melita ; Ibrahimpašić, Haris ; Ivančić, Ivana


Applieing Numerical Simulation Model for Infill Drilling Plan: Oilfield Kozarica

Production problems on the oilfield Kozarica are caused by combination of relatively heavy oil and the nature of the reservoir itself. Lithology of the reservoir is presented by shale with the alternations of unconsolidated to poor consolidated sand. Water injection to accomplish ultimate recovery increase didn't result as was expected. On the contrary, it caused quick water breakthrough into production wells, so they were closed. In order to increase production and ultimate recovery on this particular oilfield, it was decided to drill new wells to reach bypassed oil. As a part of multi-disciplinary approach, new geological model of oilfield Kozarica, was used as a basis for building a full field numerical simulation model. Reservoir simulation is used to estimate recovery for existing scheme (forecasting), to evaluate the effects on recovery of altered operating conditions and to compare economics of different recovery methods. Black-oil models have been widely applied to forecast oil recovery and to estimate the effects on oil recovery of well pattern and spacing, well completion intervals, infill drilling, etc. Black-oil model was applied in estimating locations of bypassed oil for the purpose of designing an infill drilling plan on oilfield Kozarica.

Geololgical Model; Numerican Simulation Model; Infill Drilling; Black-oil Models; Oilfield Kozarica

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The Impact of New E&P Technologies on Oil Peak Problem and Global Hydrocarbon Reserves, Petroleum Engineering Summer School, Workshop 21/22,



Dubrovnik, Hrvatska

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