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Monitoring of middle cerebral artery during verbal stimulation and testing in aphasic patients (CROSBI ID 563795)

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Lovrenčić-Huzjan, Arijana ; Šodec-Šimičević, Darja ; Trifunović-Maček, Zvijezdana ; Vuković, Martina ; Strineka, Maja ; Vuković, Vlasta ; Martinić- Popović, Irena ; Demarin, Vida Monitoring of middle cerebral artery during verbal stimulation and testing in aphasic patients // Cerebrovascular diseases. 2010. str. 52-52

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Lovrenčić-Huzjan, Arijana ; Šodec-Šimičević, Darja ; Trifunović-Maček, Zvijezdana ; Vuković, Martina ; Strineka, Maja ; Vuković, Vlasta ; Martinić- Popović, Irena ; Demarin, Vida


Monitoring of middle cerebral artery during verbal stimulation and testing in aphasic patients

The recovery of aphasia in left middle ceebral artery (MCA) stroke is mediated by activation of both cerebral hemispheres. In order to assess MCA activation during receptive and expresive verbal stimulation, 10 patients with MCA stroke within 3 days of onset and aphasia were tested by modified Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination. Both MCA were monitored simultaneously by means of transcranial Doppler sonography with 2 MHz probes. Basic mean blood flow velocies (BFV) MCA values were assessed, and monitored during verbal stimulation. Verbal stimulation was performed with 30 photos of objects for daily usage, arranged by function. Same test was performed in 10 healthy controls. Ten patients (9 males, 1 female), mean age 53+17 years, were tested. Mean MBFV were 55 cm/s in the left MCA, and 56 cm/s in the right MCA. Mean 29% increase was observed in the left MCA, and 18% in the right MCA. In healthy controls mean 24% increase was observed in left MCA, and 21% in right MCA. A trend toward higher percentage of MBFV increase was observed in left MCA during verbal stimulations in aphatic patients compared to controls.

stroke; rehabilitation; verbal stimulation; TCD

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Karger Publishers



Podaci o skupu

15th Meeting of the European Society of Neurosonology and Cerebral Hemodynamics



Madrid, Španjolska

Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti
