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Integrated information system model in the function of developing the value chain of the Croatian tourism product (CROSBI ID 564574)

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Dukić, Branimir ; Meler, Marcel: Katić, Miroslav Integrated information system model in the function of developing the value chain of the Croatian tourism product // Proceedings of 5th International Conference An Enterprise Odyssey: From Crisis to Prosperity – Challenges for Government and Business / Galetić, Lovorka (ur.). Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2010. str. 1604-1613

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Dukić, Branimir ; Meler, Marcel: Katić, Miroslav


Integrated information system model in the function of developing the value chain of the Croatian tourism product

Before democratic changes and transition, the Republic of Croatia as well as a number of other countries had a closed or autarchic economy which was not forced to confirm its competitiveness on the world market. With all the changes, such as opening up of the market on one hand, and the influx of cheaper products, predominantly from the Far East, Croatian economy has faced great difficulties as it was not able to cope with the pressure of cheap, often low-quality goods. We should also take into account the privatization process that was not aimed at increasing the competitiveness of the Croatian economy. All this has resulted in Croatia lacking a critical mass of products that can ensure the export component to the economy through their price, quality and quantity. In such conditions, tourism is one of the rare export components in the country’s economy. The Croatian economy can benefit from the fact that tourism product is becoming increasingly complex, including many components, and that the simple approach, i.e. product based on sun and sea, is no longer sufficient. In such conditions economic operators should aim for an organized approach, which means that Croatian production should be integrated under a joint brand. This includes developing a strong cluster with two groups integrated within it, namely those who directly provide hospitality services to tourists (visitors) and those making products to be consumed within the broader tourism industry. In other words, this would mean developing corporate relationships in creating the value chain of the Croatian tourism product. For this purpose an information base is required, which means that an integrated information system has to beconstructed.

Croatian tourism product; value chain; integrated information system; cluster

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Galetić, Lovorka

Zagreb: Ekonomski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Podaci o skupu

5th International Conference “An Enterprise Odyssey: From Crisis to Prosperity - Challenges for Government and Business”



Opatija, Hrvatska

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