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Dobrobit purana u intenzivnoj proizvodnji (CROSBI ID 740681)

Prilog sa skupa u časopisu | stručni rad

Ostović, Mario ; Pavičić, Željko ; Tofant, Alenka ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Menčik, Sven Dobrobit purana u intenzivnoj proizvodnji // Stočarstvo. 2009. str. 113-119

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ostović, Mario ; Pavičić, Željko ; Tofant, Alenka ; Balenović, Tomislav ; Ekert Kabalin, Anamaria ; Menčik, Sven


Dobrobit purana u intenzivnoj proizvodnji

Within the conditions of intensive rearing, of which the main goal is high productivity, certain turkeys' needs, important in the welfare context, cannot be satisfied. Genetic selection for rapid growth and higher body weight has resulted in many health problems, for instance problems of the locomotory and cardiovascular system. Besides, a high stocking density per housing space unit in farm rearing causes poor air quality, cannibalism as well as lower possibility of animal inspection. Furthermore, routine procedures like cathing, transporting and slaughtering represent major welfare problems for turkeys. With the aim to prevent cannibalism, turkeys are raised at low light intensity or/and beak trimming is conducted, which also raises question about animal welfare. Poor welfare of breeding birds is also manifested in restrictive feeding programs, with the purpose of controlling of their body weight. The above mentioned reasons of poor welfare in intensive turkey production prove the need of modification of certain production practices as well as environmental enrichment.

purani; dobrobit; intenzivna proizvodnja

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Welfare of turkeys in intensive production

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turkeys; welfare; intensive production

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