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The influence of contact surface shape on the mechanical properties of osteosynthetic plates (CROSBI ID 565599)

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Horvat, Marko ; Kodvanj, Janoš ; Bakić, Ante The influence of contact surface shape on the mechanical properties of osteosynthetic plates // The European Physical Journal Web of Conferences vol. 6 / Bremand, Fabrice (ur.). Poitiers: EDP Sciences, 2010. str. 21009-p.1.-21009-p.2

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Horvat, Marko ; Kodvanj, Janoš ; Bakić, Ante


The influence of contact surface shape on the mechanical properties of osteosynthetic plates

In order to reduce damage of the periosteum of the bone the contact surface on the osteosynthetic plates are usually grooved. Here, it was investigated how different kind of grooves influence bending stiffness and dynamic endurance of osteosynthetic plates. Four point bending tests were carried out according ISO 9585 also as three point dynamic bending tests. The results are presented and discussed.

osteosynthetic plates; dynamic endurance

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Bremand, Fabrice

Poitiers: EDP Sciences

Podaci o skupu

14th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics



Poitiers, Francuska

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