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LED Panel Illumination Design of a Control System for Visual Inspection of Ceramic Tiles (CROSBI ID 566087)

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Hocenski, Željko ; Sobol, Krešimir ; Mijaković, Robert LED Panel Illumination Design of a Control System for Visual Inspection of Ceramic Tiles // Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics / Liserre, Marco ; Hung, John Y. (ur.). Bari: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2010. str. 1663-1667

Podaci o odgovornosti

Hocenski, Željko ; Sobol, Krešimir ; Mijaković, Robert


LED Panel Illumination Design of a Control System for Visual Inspection of Ceramic Tiles

During whole production process there is a possibility of mechanical damage of ceramic tile during transporting from one production phase to another. Because of that, last phase in ceramic tile production process is visual inspection and quality control. Today in most cases in products quality control are used human resources but because of human resources limits, this stage of process needs automatization. Regardless, if we use human resources or machined vision systems (digital cameras) for visual inspection, we need to ensure quality lighting of ceramic tile. In this paper is shown how to make quality lighting for ceramic tile quality inspection using machine vision systems. Advantage of this lighting is in using Light Emitting Diodes instead of light bulbs.

design; illumination; LED panel; ceramic tiles; quality control

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Liserre, Marco ; Hung, John Y.

Bari: IEEE Industrial Electronics Society


Podaci o skupu

ISIE 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics



Bari, Italija

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