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Trends of ozone concentrations in the air of Zagreb, Croatia (CROSBI ID 566356)

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Pehnec, Gordana ; Vađić, Vladimira ; Čačković, Mirjana ; Žužul, Silva Trends of ozone concentrations in the air of Zagreb, Croatia // 15th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations'(IUAPPA) World Clean Air Congress, Abstract Book. Vancouver: Air & Waste Management Association, 2010. str. 67-x

Podaci o odgovornosti

Pehnec, Gordana ; Vađić, Vladimira ; Čačković, Mirjana ; Žužul, Silva


Trends of ozone concentrations in the air of Zagreb, Croatia

Ozone (O3) is a secondary pollutant formed through photochemical reactions of nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds. As a strong oxidant, it may cause harmful health effects and damage plants and a variety of materials. O3 concentrations have been measured continuously in Zagreb, Croatia from 1999. This paper presents the results of O3 measurements at three urban locations (north, centre, and south) with different traffic density for the period 1999-2008. The measuring method used in this work is based on active sampling of ozone in the absorption solution of sodium nitrite. Nitrite ion reacts with ozone and forms a nitrate, which is then determined by ion chromatography. Over the whole measuring period, average annual O3 concentrations in Zagreb ranged between 20 μg m-3 and 40 μg m-3 in the north, between 19 μg m-3 and 3 μg m-3 in the city centre, and between 7 μg m-3 and 35 μg m-3 in the south. Over the spring and summer months, daily averages occasionally exceeded the Croatian limit value of 110 μg m-3. The highest daily value of 196 μg m-3 was measured in the city centre. In general, over the ten-year period, ozone concentrations in the south increased, while in the north and in the centre they showed a slow decrease in annual averages and in the annual number of days with exceeded limit values

Ambient air; photochemical pollution; traffic; urban area

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15th International Union of Air Pollution Prevention and Environmental Protection Associations' (IUAPPA) World Clean Air Congress



Vancouver, Kanada

Povezanost rada

Kemija, Javno zdravstvo i zdravstvena zaštita