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Method of data migration from one ERP system to another in real time (CROSBI ID 566661)

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Vidačić, Stjepan ; Pihir, Igor ; Fabac, Robert Method of data migration from one ERP system to another in real time // Central European conference on information and intelligent systems / Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Schatten, Markus (ur.). 2010. str. 501-507

Podaci o odgovornosti

Vidačić, Stjepan ; Pihir, Igor ; Fabac, Robert


Method of data migration from one ERP system to another in real time

The transition from one ERP system to another is a complex and demanding process for every enterprise, associated with numerous risks and unplanned expenses. This process usually ends and a new information system becomes operational at the beginning of new a business year. Practice shows that many of these projects are ineective and result in disputes. The subject of this paper is a new methodology, created as an attempt to answer one of the key issues critical to the success of this type of projects, and that is the successful migration of business data. The methodology presents the migration from the current to the new ERP solution: throughout a business year and in a transparent way and real time. Potential advantages of the methodology are numerous and they will be further systematically described in this paper. Developed methodology was successfully applied to a medium size enterprise in a complex business project that was successfully completed within the planned time, scope and budget.

data migration; information system; ERP system; organizational change; database; business application

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Aurer, Boris ; Bača, Miroslav ; Schatten, Markus

Varaždin: Fakultet organizacije i informatike Sveučilišta u Zagrebu


Podaci o skupu

21st Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems



Varaždin, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti