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Spectroscopic studies of changes in plasma lipoproteins induced by external factors (CROSBI ID 567270)

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Krilov, Dubravka ; Herak, Janko Nikola ; Brnjas-Kraljević, Jasminka Spectroscopic studies of changes in plasma lipoproteins induced by external factors // Book of Abstracts. 2010

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Krilov, Dubravka ; Herak, Janko Nikola ; Brnjas-Kraljević, Jasminka


Spectroscopic studies of changes in plasma lipoproteins induced by external factors

Plasma lipoproteins have the important role in lipid metabolism as the carriers of hydrophobic molecules through the blood. These particles are composed of apolar core containing cholesterol esters and triglycerides and outer phospholipid monolayer with one or more apolipoproteins. Several classes of lipoproteins differ in size and lipid/protein composition according to their biological functions. Oxidative changes in lipoproteins, particularly low density lipoprotein (LDL) alter the particle's surface preventing its bonding to normal cell receptors mediating in initiation and development of atherosclerosis. Slow or mild oxidation of LDL, in the conditions similar to the physiological ones, was studied by Electron spin resonance (ESR) oximetry and spin trapping techniques. The molecular mechanism of oxidation, and particularly the prooxidative role of -tocopherol, was explained by theoretical probabilistic kinetic model of oxidation and the calculated oxidation curves demonstrated good agreement with experimental data. Clinical studies demonstrated a lot of evidence about changes in lipoprotein metabolism induced by other external factors like alcohol, nicotine, vitamins or drugs. So far we studied the localization of PRODAN, the widely used hydrophobic fluorescence probe, within lipoprotein particle by Raman spectroscopy. On the other hand, the observed changes in FT-IR and Raman spectra of HDL (high density lipoprotein) induced by incorporation of nicotine demonstrated that nicotine molecule is residing within lipid monolayer but close to polar head of phospholipids and lipid-protein interface. The embedment of nicotine should increase the surface of particle which further requires the conformational change of apolipoprotein.

lipoprotein; oxidation; nicotine; spectroscopy

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BIT Life Sciences' 3rd annual PepCon-2010

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Peking, Kina

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