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Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | sažetak izlaganja sa skupa | međunarodna recenzija

Morović, Sandra ; Bašić-Kes, Vanja ; Demarin, Vida PREVENTION OF STROKE-CONCEPT OF OUR CENTER FOR PREVENTION // Knjiga sažetaka. 2010. str. 231-231

Podaci o odgovornosti

Morović, Sandra ; Bašić-Kes, Vanja ; Demarin, Vida



Center for prevention of cerebrovascular diseases arouse with help of Zagreb's aid foundation for individuals who suffered from cerebrovascular diseases at the end of 2009. It forms a part of our Department of neurology at University hospital Sestre milosrdnice in Zagreb (Croatia), and represents a unique establishment of such sort. Visits to the Center for prevention are intended for all middle-aged and aged individuals, as a period in life when changes caused by ageing become evident. Also, we welcome young individuals who carry the burden of positive family history or presence of known stroke risk factors. The Center currently employes a team of experts, neurologists, residents, research fellows, as well as a technician and a nurse. Our wish is to educate individuals about stroke risk factors and what they can do to prevent it. Just as important is teaching the public about early srtoke signs and taking appropriate action on time. Some people simply need guideliness, or attention needs to be drown to solving their specific problems. Preventive checkup at our Center differs in many ways from routine visit to phisician's office. The visit comprises extensive history taking, recognition and assessment of known risk factors. The changes detected using modern technology show preclinical signs of blood vessel ageing while they are still reparable. New ultrasound methods are used in assessment of arterial stiffness, which, when increased is considered a risk dactor for stroke. Following the exam, all obtained information is assessed and recommendations are given. These recommendations serve to individuals and their general practitioners as orientation for planning further steps/actions. We welcome patients to return for a follow-up examination after a recommended lifestyle change or regulation of some risk factors (reduction of body weight, smoking cessation, etc.) to register positive changes detectable through changes in risk factor scores or arterial stiffness. We are a young institution, in formation of definite prevention program strategies. During our first months we preformed 400 examinations. Center establisment is an idicator of continuous development of neurology as a proffesion which not only recognizes but also accepts and appreciates the importance of prevention as one of most important steps in disease management. On the other hand, great citizen interest in prevention of cerebrovascular diseases shows we are becomming a part of exceptionally health-aware environment leading towardrs a society with a continuously lowering number of cerebrovascular diseases, which still represent leading causes of death and disability. Center for prevention of cerebrovascular diseases at out Clinic provides support to everyone who wishes to live healthier, make positive lifestyle changes and become an active participant in determining his or her health status by modifying stroke risk factors.

prevention; cerebrovascular diseases; stroke

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2. Hrvatski kongres preventivne medicine i unaprjeđenja zdravlja



Zagreb, Hrvatska

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Kliničke medicinske znanosti