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Demarin, Vida ; Morović, Sandra PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND STROKE // Acta clinica Croatica. Supplement. 2010. str. 99-100

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Demarin, Vida ; Morović, Sandra



Stroke remains one of the main causes of invalidity and death in Croatia. Despite extensive research and numerous new discoveries about its mechanism of occurance, risk factors and treatment, prevention is still the most important factor in preserving health and stopping of disease. Research has shown that persons over 40 years of age, who are in good physical shape decrease their risk of stroke for astonishing 50% in comparison to persons of same age who have diffi culties climbing stairs or bending. For longer period of time, physical therapy has important role in complete rehabilitation of patients after stroke incidents. When estimating the ability of rehabilitated persons, we can see not only improved motor functions, but also improvements in entire cardiovascular system. Today, in diff erence to prior opinions, we know that physical therapy does not end only couple of months after the stroke. Physical activity in rehabilitation program of stroke patients has double role. Besides regaining motor functions, the role of exercising is prevention of another stroke which can occur more often in persons who already had one. Th is evidence is a huge reason that we can believe that physical activity is extremely important even in primary prevention of stroke. Research which included almost 50.000 persons had shown that moderate physical activity (at least 4 hours per week ; including walking, bicycle riding or moderate gardening) decreases risk of stroke for 25% so it can be recommended to all persons. On the other side, strong physical activity (more than 3 hours of exercise weekly, running, swimming, etc.) did not show additional decrease in stroke risk than moderate physical activity. Summarizing, both moderate and strong physical activity have protective role in development of stroke in comparison to mild physical activity (reading, TV-watching, minimal physical activity). Until now, we tried to evaluate eff ects of physical activity in rehabilitation, after the stroke episode. Now is the right time to focus on undoubtedly good eff ect of physical activity in preventing cerebrovascular disease.

stroke; physical activity;

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The 50th International Neuropsychiatric Pula Congress



Pula, Hrvatska

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