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The transformation of Element Image Information in the Digital Record (CROSBI ID 568673)

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Nježić, Zoran ; Šimović, Vladimir The transformation of Element Image Information in the Digital Record // First Part of the Pre-Conference Proceedings of the Special Focus Symposium on 10th ICESKS: Information, Communication, and Economic Sciences in the Knowledge Society. Zagreb, 2010

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Nježić, Zoran ; Šimović, Vladimir


The transformation of Element Image Information in the Digital Record

In this report are examines the digital file on a basic level on picture elements, and analyze changes in tone in transformation original file. Insufficient analysis of the differences in basic image elements within the transformed image file compared to the master file has caused this investigation. There are visible changes in the transformed file compared to the original, and this change wants and quantitatively determined. The actual change in information that occurs during the transformation has been defined as a way to compare identical ranking of picture elements of the original with transformed record. Analyzed was the basis of calculating the difference in image information of two elements whose position is identical to the original and the transformed record. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to properly assess the emerging situation, and determine the overall change in the process of transforming digital record.

digital image; processing of digital records; transformation of image element

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ECNSI-2010 The 4th International Conference on Advances and System Research



Zagreb, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti, Pedagogija