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Ground beetle (fam. Carabidae) fauna at treated and untreated barley fields in Croatia (CROSBI ID 568802)

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Kos, Tomislav ; Bažok, Renata ; Kozina, Antonela ; Šipraga, Josipa ; Dragić, Sanja ; Tičinović, Ana Ground beetle (fam. Carabidae) fauna at treated and untreated barley fields in Croatia // IOBC/WPRS bulletin / Jensen, Jean-Pierre (ur.). 2010. str. 79-84

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Kos, Tomislav ; Bažok, Renata ; Kozina, Antonela ; Šipraga, Josipa ; Dragić, Sanja ; Tičinović, Ana


Ground beetle (fam. Carabidae) fauna at treated and untreated barley fields in Croatia

The distribution and abundance of Ground beetles (Coleoptera, Carabidae) have been examined to study the effects of different agricultural measures on biodiversity in arable crops. The aim of this study was to determine differences in Ground beetle fauna between treated and untreated barley fields. The study was conducted during the 2009 vegetation season in six barley fields located in the central part of continental Croatia (Brodsko-posavska County, municipal Staro Petrovo Selo). Field sizes were between 0, 5 and 1, 5 ha, not surrounded by forests or hedges. For all fields the pre-crop was corn. Each field was sown with the Barun variety of barley. Sowing and spraying in all fields were done simultaneously. In three fields, chemical control of Oulema melanopus L. as the main barley pest was done using chlorpyrifos-methyl in a dosage of 600 g a.i. per ha. The Ground beetle fauna was collected during the whole growing season by placing 3 modified Pitfall traps in each field. Beetles were collected for a period of 6 months from mid April till the end of September. All Ground beetles will be identified to genus and/or species. The abundance of Ground beetle fauna will be calculated according Balogh’s formula for treated and untreated barley fields. Statistical tests (e.g. ANOVA) will be used to identify possible differences between treated and untreated fields. The study was supported by Carlsberg Croatia, B.E.N.A. (Balkan Environmental Agency), Croatian ministry of science, education and sports and Croatian Environment Agency through “Green Scholarship” for young researchers

abundance; agricultural practice; Barley; Croatia; Ground beetles

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Jensen, Jean-Pierre

Darmstadt: Internacional Organisation for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palearctic Regional Section.



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