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Developing Joint European Doctoral PRogram in Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness as an Academic Response to the Crisis (CROSBI ID 568975)

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Singer, Slavica ; Oberman Peterka, Sunčica ; Alpeza, Mirela Developing Joint European Doctoral PRogram in Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness as an Academic Response to the Crisis // Strategic Management during and after the Financial Crisis / Jautz, Ulrich ; Kurz, Rudi ; Singer, Slavica et al. (ur.). Osijek: Hochschule Pforzheim - Pforzheim University, Faculty of Economics in Osijek - J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, 2010. str. 17-29

Podaci o odgovornosti

Singer, Slavica ; Oberman Peterka, Sunčica ; Alpeza, Mirela


Developing Joint European Doctoral PRogram in Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness as an Academic Response to the Crisis

The paper is focused on experience of an international consortium, gathered around TEMPUS project: ICES – International Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies in developing a joint doctoral program in Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness. Members of consortium are five universities (J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia ; Turku School of Economics, Finland ; University of Durham, UK ; University of Klagenfurt, Austria ; University of Maribor, Slovenia), Microsoft Croatia and Croatian Competitiveness Council, supported by two individual experts: Professor Emeritus Allan Gibb, University of Durham Business School, United Kingdom and Professor Jouko Havunen, University of Vasaa, Finland. The goal of developing a modular European Ph.D. Programme in Entrepreneurship and Innovativeness is to build a cohort of young faculty with the capacity to teach and research in the field of entrepreneurship based on problem/opportunity centered approach and holistic integration of knowledge and imaginative use of it, which is relevant to interdisciplinary feature of the entrepreneurship paradigm. This venture should prove the feasibility of the Triple Helix concept based on social accountability of all stakeholders (universities, business sector, government).

Doctoral Education; Entrepreneurship Education; Doctoral Programs in Entrepreneurship; Triple Helix Concept; Innovation

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Jautz, Ulrich ; Kurz, Rudi ; Singer, Slavica ; Barković, Dražen

Osijek: Hochschule Pforzheim - Pforzheim University, Faculty of Economics in Osijek - J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek


Podaci o skupu

30th Scientific Symposium Strategic management during and after the financial crisis



Osijek, Hrvatska

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