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Air velocity and pressure profiles in front of an electrodynamic loudspeaker (CROSBI ID 569038)

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Đurek, Danijel ; Đurek, Ivan ; Petošić, Antonio Air velocity and pressure profiles in front of an electrodynamic loudspeaker // 129th AES Convention, Convention papers. New York (NY), 2010. str. 1-16

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Đurek, Danijel ; Đurek, Ivan ; Petošić, Antonio


Air velocity and pressure profiles in front of an electrodynamic loudspeaker

Air velocity was recorded in front of an electrodynamic loudspeaker by the use of hot wire anemometric technique. Wire temperature response was detected up to 2 kHz and harmonics were analyzed by the use of the King formula. Near field effects were detected at the z-axis distances comparable to the loudspeaker diameter. Extended Greenspan theory was applied to explain measured data. It was stressed the importance of air viscosity in damping of Morse convection in near field regime. Near field effects at distances up to 30 cm were discussed in terms of the Morse convection indicated by the imaginary part of air impedance. According to continuity equation of air flow microphone signal was correlated to the fluid velocity divergence.

loudspeaker; hot-wire anemometry; velocity profile

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New York (NY):

Podaci o skupu

129th AES Convention



San Francisco (CA), Sjedinjene Američke Države

Povezanost rada

Fizika, Elektrotehnika