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Recent developments in state aid law in the shipbuilding sector of the European Community and the Republic of Croatia (CROSBI ID 569470)

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Bulum, Božena ; Oršulić, Ivana Recent developments in state aid law in the shipbuilding sector of the European Community and the Republic of Croatia // Zbornik radova = Conference Proceedings / Jolić, Natalija (ur.). Zagreb: Fakultet prometnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2010. str. 92-101

Podaci o odgovornosti

Bulum, Božena ; Oršulić, Ivana


Recent developments in state aid law in the shipbuilding sector of the European Community and the Republic of Croatia

Because of the specific characteristics of shipbuilding industry, since the early 1970s state aid to shipbuilding has been subject to a series of specific Community rules to deal changing situation in shipbuilding sector, so different directives were adopted in 1969, 1973, 1975, 1978, 1981, 1987 and the last one in 2003 named Framework on state aid to shipbuilding which is subject of consideration of this paper. This paper also analyses the application of the EC rules on state aid in shipbuilding sector in legal order of the Republic of Croatia and its obligations in the light of the Stabilization and Association Agreement and Croatian Government Decision on the publication of the European Community rules on state aid to shipbuilding in gazette of the Republic of Croatia.

shipbuilding ; state aid ; ship repair ; regional aid ; innovation aid ; closure aid ; export credits ; development aid

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Jolić, Natalija

Zagreb: Fakultet prometnih znanosti Sveučilišta u Zagrebu

Podaci o skupu

5. Međunarodno znanstveno savjetovanje "Luke i plovni putovi - POWA 2010" (5th International scientific conference "POWA 2010 – Ports and Waterways")



Zagreb, Hrvatska

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