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Investigation of implementation of "Six sigma" methodology in small production organizations and prediction of its wider application in Croatian companies (CROSBI ID 168604)

Prilog u časopisu | stručni rad

Kondić, Živko ; Maglić, Leon ; Čikić Ante Investigation of implementation of "Six sigma" methodology in small production organizations and prediction of its wider application in Croatian companies // Tehnički vjesnik : znanstveno-stručni časopis tehničkih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Osijeku, 16 (2009), 3; 85-95

Podaci o odgovornosti

Kondić, Živko ; Maglić, Leon ; Čikić Ante


Investigation of implementation of "Six sigma" methodology in small production organizations and prediction of its wider application in Croatian companies

This paper deal with results of investigating of implementation of six sigma methodology at small production organizations in Republic of Croatia and experiences from some European countries (Great Britain and Finland). At the end authors performed „Delphi“ method to predict time of wider application of this methodology at small Croatian organizations.

methodology six sigma ; small Croatian organizations ; prediction ; business excellence ; quality

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