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The soundscape of urban public places in Zagreb (CROSBI ID 570056)

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Suhanek, Mia ; Đurek, Ivan ; Jambrošić, Kristian The soundscape of urban public places in Zagreb // Proceedings of 1st EAA - EuroRegio 2010 / Slovenian Acoustical Society (ur.). Ljubljana: Slovenian Acoustical Society (SDA), 2010. str. 1-5

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Suhanek, Mia ; Đurek, Ivan ; Jambrošić, Kristian


The soundscape of urban public places in Zagreb

The evaluation of an acoustical situation in the city can be done assessing the quality of an urban soundscape. Assessing the quality of a soundscape is complex, since it does not always lead to the answer “good” or ”bad”. It rather deals with question “how different” are various soundscapes in their quality and how they can be classified into categories. An acoustical situation in a city is determined by many different factors and the perception of an urban soundscape by various people also reflects the difference between their subjective judgment criteria. In the evaluation of urban public places, we tend to improve their quality while preserving their diversity. In our work hypothesis, the first step is an assessment of the urban sites by their “users”, while the second step concerns the evaluation of the same places using the objective acoustic parameters. The goal of this paper is to record and analyze the “specific” urban places in Zagreb and then test the “users” of these locations. In these tests we aim to determine the level of recognition by the “users”, their level of noise disturbance and the correlation between the subjective psychoacoustic and objective acoustic parameters.

soundscape; urban noise; questionairee

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Slovenian Acoustical Society

Ljubljana: Slovenian Acoustical Society (SDA)

Podaci o skupu

EAA Euroregio 2010



Ljubljana, Slovenija

Povezanost rada

Fizika, Elektrotehnika