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Anatomical variations of vasa obturatoria (CROSBI ID 571123)

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Đudarić, Luka ; Bobinac, Dragica Anatomical variations of vasa obturatoria // Abstracts of the 2nd International symposium of Clinical and Applied anatomy ; u: Anatomy 2010 ; 4 Suppl 1: 31-31: International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Anatomy / Akkın, Salih Murat ; Çelik, Hakan Hamdi (ur.). Istanbul: Deomed Medical Publishing, 2010. str. 31-31

Podaci o odgovornosti

Đudarić, Luka ; Bobinac, Dragica


Anatomical variations of vasa obturatoria

Aim: Our attention was paid to the origin, course and topography of obturator vessels in pelvic subperitoneal region. Methods: We performed bilateral pelvic anatomical sections on 12 cadavers. The cadavers were fixated in 10% formalin and were prepared for anatomical sections. Results: We found different origins of the obturator vessels and divided them into four groups. In the first group the obturator artery and inferior epigastric artery came from the common arterial trunk of the external iliac artery. In the second group, the origin of obturator artery arises from the anterior trunk of the internal iliac artery. In the third group, the obturator artery came directly from the external iliac artery at the same level as inferior epigastric artery. In the fourth group the obturator artery is anterior branch of femoral artery and came out in the upper third of the femoral triangle. The obturator vein usually followed the homonymous artery except in one case when it originated from femoral vein, while obturator artery originated from internal iliac artery. Conclusion: Anatomical variations of the obturator vessels are well documented in the literature. However, ending of the obturator vein in the femoral vein has not been described yet. All described variations of the obturator vessels have the same topographical position on the upper branch of pubic bone as corona mortis has. We believe that injury of the obturator vessels variety could cause massive hemorrhage as injury of the corona mortis causes, which should be considered during operations in abdominal surgery.

vasa obturatoria; anatomical variations; dissection

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Akkın, Salih Murat ; Çelik, Hakan Hamdi

Istanbul: Deomed Medical Publishing


Podaci o skupu

International Symposium of Clinical and Applied Anatomy (2 ; 2010)



Prag, Češka Republika

Povezanost rada

Temeljne medicinske znanosti