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Circular Surfaces - Mathematica Visualizations (CROSBI ID 573013)

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Gorjanc, Sonja Circular Surfaces - Mathematica Visualizations // MatePollak2011 / Terezia P. Vendel (ur.). Pečuh: Organising Committiee of the Conference, 2011. str. 19-19

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Gorjanc, Sonja


Circular Surfaces - Mathematica Visualizations

This lecture introduces a new concept of surface-construction: We consider a congruence of circles C(P1, P2)= C(p) in the Euclidean space, i.e. a two-parametric set of circles passing through the points P1, P2 given by the coordinates (0, 0, p), where p=√q, qR. It is a normal curve congruence with singular points on the axis z. C(p) is an elliptic, parabolic or hyperbolic congruence, if q is greater, equal or less then 0, respectively. For a piecewise-differentiable curve : IR3, IR, we define a circular surface CS(, p) as the system of circles of C(p) which cut the curve  For the surfaces CS(, p) we derive parametric equations which enable their visualizations in the program Mathematica and investigate their properties if  is an algebraic curve.

circular surfaces; congruence of circles

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Terezia P. Vendel

Pečuh: Organising Committiee of the Conference

Podaci o skupu

Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering Desing and Education



Pečuh, Mađarska

Povezanost rada
