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″Enforcement of contact Orders concerning Children″ (CROSBI ID 43483)

Prilog u knjizi | izvorni znanstveni rad

Rešetar, Branka ″Enforcement of contact Orders concerning Children″ // Enforcement and Enforceability - Tradition and Reform / C.H. van Rhee, A. Uzelac (ur.). Antverpen : Oxford : Portland: Intersentia ; Oxford University Press, 2010. str. 291-298

Podaci o odgovornosti

Rešetar, Branka


″Enforcement of contact Orders concerning Children″

The aim of the paper is to provide an introdution to the Croatian system of enforcement of contact orders, first by describing the existing situation and second by discussing the inefficiency of the legal system in practice. A short comparative overview of selected national enforcement system highlight the main differences between the Croatian and the other legal systems.

enforcement, contact orders, children

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Podaci o knjizi

C.H. van Rhee, A. Uzelac

Antverpen : Oxford : Portland: Intersentia ; Oxford University Press



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