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Data Types and Operations for Spatio-Temporal Data Streams (CROSBI ID 573485)

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Križanović, Krešimir ; Galić, Zdravko ; Baranović, Mirta Data Types and Operations for Spatio-Temporal Data Streams // Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management / Zaslavsky, Arkady ; Chrysanthis, Panos K ; Lun Lee, Dik et al. (ur.). Luleå: Conference Publishing Press, 2011. str. 11-14

Podaci o odgovornosti

Križanović, Krešimir ; Galić, Zdravko ; Baranović, Mirta


Data Types and Operations for Spatio-Temporal Data Streams

While the field of spatio-temporal databases, moving objects databases and the field of data stream management systems have separately been rather extensively researched in the last decade, a combined field of spatio-temporal data stream management systems has only recently become a focus of serious research effort. A spatio- temporal data stream management system manages moving objects whose position and/or extent is provided by one or more data streams, and can be viewed as an extension of a moving objects database enabling it to manage data streams, or as an extension of a data stream management system enabling it to use spatial and spatio-temporal data. In this paper we present a data model, consisting of data types and operations on these data types, needed to support spatio-temporal data in a data stream management system. Presented data model is formally defined using many sorted algebra, and is illustrated through an SQL-like query language. It can be used as a basis either for implementation completely new spatio-temporal DSMS, or for extending available open source products and research prototypes, towards managing moving objects.

data stream; database; spatio-temporal; moving object; data type; data model

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Zaslavsky, Arkady ; Chrysanthis, Panos K ; Lun Lee, Dik ; Chakraborty, Dipanjan ; Kalogeraki, Vana ; Mokbel, Mohamed F ; Chow, Chi-Yin

Luleå: Conference Publishing Press


Podaci o skupu

12th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management



Luleå, Švedska

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