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Emergency Medicine (CROSBI ID 744658)

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• Obrazovni materijal (nedefinirano )

Anić, Suzana ; Baudoin, Tomislav ; Bićanić, Goran ; Čatipović, Branimir ; Degoricija, Vesna ; Delimar, Domagoj ; Demarin, Vida ; Gornik, Ivan ; Grgić, Marko Velimir ; Jelaković, Bojan et al. Emergency Medicine / Degoricija, Vesna (ur.). Zagreb: MMM Marketing, 2011. 357..

Podaci o odgovornosti

Anić, Suzana ; Baudoin, Tomislav ; Bićanić, Goran ; Čatipović, Branimir ; Degoricija, Vesna ; Delimar, Domagoj ; Demarin, Vida ; Gornik, Ivan ; Grgić, Marko Velimir ; Jelaković, Bojan ; Kalogjera, Livije ; Karanović, Nenad ; Košec, Vesna ; Lovrenčić-Huzjan, Arijana ; Marković, Matija ; Montgomery, David ; Novak, Milivoj ; Novak-Lauš, Katia ; Perić, Zinaida ; Planinc, Ivo ; Sharma, Mirella ; Starešinić, Mario ; Šef, Davorin ; Šefer, Siniša ; Šmalcelj, Anton ; Tomašić, Vedran ; Trbušić, Matias ; Vanjak- Bielen, Đana ; Vrhovac, Radovan ; Vučičević, Željko ; Vuk, Tomislav ; Zdilar, Darko ; Žmegač-Horvat, Aleksandra

Degoricija, Vesna


Emergency Medicine

Recent decades have witnessed an explosion in the utilization of emergency medicine, which coincided with an expansion of medical technology to include nemerous innovative diagnostic and treatment modalities. As a result, the task of the physician has multiplied exponentially in difficulty. The emergency physician still must excel in the traditional skills of obtaining a medical history and performing a physical examination under exacting time constrains. At the same time, he or she must be fluent with the latest permutations of biomedical technology and their application to the out-of-hospital care or emergency department setting. The topics of Emergency Medicine presented here were selected as representative of the depth and breadth of current emergency medicine practice. Our aim was to create an innovative emergency medicine teaching program that would meet the minimum essential requirements and standards in tune with global trends in medical education, to substitute a traditional knowledge-based concept of medical education with evidence- based medicine, and to introduce problem- solving skills through problem-based learning and case-based teaching of medicine. We hope this will stimulate the student's critical thinking and acquisition of practical skills and attitudes specific for the vocational needs of tomorrow's doctors, as well as create a new educational climate and culture in which all protagonists of the educational process, students and teachers alike, should consider it as their ethical obligation to constantly develop their knowledge.

Textbook of Emergency Medicine

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Zagreb: MMM Marketing



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Povezanost rada

Kliničke medicinske znanosti