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The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Croatia: On the Way to Accede to the EU (CROSBI ID 43826)

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Blagojević, Anita The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Croatia: On the Way to Accede to the EU // Perspectives for the Development of Constitutional Law in the Conditions of Intergrating. Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava, 2011. str. 135-145

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Blagojević, Anita


The Constitutional Law of the Republic of Croatia: On the Way to Accede to the EU

The objectice of this paper is to analyse the efforts made by the Republic of Croatia on the way to accede to the European Union (EU). Since the preparation of the Republic of Croatia for the membership in the EU implied modifications of the entire economy, administration and legal system, Croatia has, like any other candidate state presently, had to go through an ongoing complicated process of approximation of legislation with the acquis communautaire. The culmination of that process has been the Amendments to the Constitution of Croatia (June 16, 2010) and this marks the fourth time the Constitution is being amended since 1990.

Constitution, Constitutional Law, Republic of Croatia, European Union

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Bratislava: Comenius University Bratislava



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