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A Survey on Patients’ Privacy and Safety Protection with EMR Applications in Primary Care (CROSBI ID 575580)

Prilog sa skupa u zborniku | izvorni znanstveni rad | međunarodna recenzija

Kralj, Damir ; Končar, Miroslav ; Tonković, Stanko A Survey on Patients’ Privacy and Safety Protection with EMR Applications in Primary Care // IFMBE proceedings / Akos Jobbagy (ur.). 2011. str. 1132-1135

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Kralj, Damir ; Končar, Miroslav ; Tonković, Stanko


A Survey on Patients’ Privacy and Safety Protection with EMR Applications in Primary Care

Croatian primary care, in respect to the national e-Health program, is very well covered with dedicated IT solutions (including local EMR’s) used by the doctors and nurses in Family Practice offices. As part of the national system policy, vendors are required to certify their solutions against predefined criteria, which are enforced by the Ministry of Health and Croatian Institute for Health Insurance. Looking at those requirements and criteria, and as part of our comprehensive qualify assessment research, we paid special attention to privacy and safety functionality on several layers. This paper in particular discusses our approach in assessing user awareness and doctors’ experience in real life setting when it comes to patients’ privacy and safety concerns. Our analysis method, which is also described in the paper, takes into account a combined view of local patient privacy and safety KPI’s, and compares them with some of the best practices which are endorsed by international professional community. Our final goal is to introduce a formal methodology of assessing privacy and safety features implemented in family medicine, as seen and practiced by end users.

Electronic medical records; family medicine; privacy; safety; certification criteria

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Akos Jobbagy

Budimpešta: Springer



Podaci o skupu

5th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering



Budimpešta, Mađarska

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