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Low density polyethylene film for food packaging modified by zeolite and nanoclay (CROSBI ID 575744)

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Ščetar, Mario ; Ptiček Siročić, Anita ; Kurek, Mia ; Hrnjak-Murgić, Zlata ; Galić, Kata ; Lelas, Vesna Low density polyethylene film for food packaging modified by zeolite and nanoclay // Book of abstracts 7th International Congress of Food Technologists, Biotechnologists and Nutritionists / Helga Medić (ur.). Zaprešić, 2011. str. 183-183

Podaci o odgovornosti

Ščetar, Mario ; Ptiček Siročić, Anita ; Kurek, Mia ; Hrnjak-Murgić, Zlata ; Galić, Kata ; Lelas, Vesna


Low density polyethylene film for food packaging modified by zeolite and nanoclay

INTRODUCTION Polymer packaging materials play an important role in the food industry. It gives food greater safety assurance from microorganisms, chemical and mechanical changes. Low density polyethylene (PE- LD) is the most commonly used polymer for packaging with its advantages of being inert, permeable to gases and impermeable to water. In the last decade, there has been considerable focus, both academic and industrial, on the introduction of polymer nanocomposites in food packaging. They exhibit dramatic enhancement of a large number of physical properties which include mechanical and barrier properties. METHODOLOGY PE-LD containing two types of filler in concentrations of 2-10 % (zeolite T-MAZ 7 and nanoclay Cloisite 15A) were extruded at Rondol Bench Top 21 mm at speed of 100 rpm. The mechanical properties of composites were tested using an Instron Universal Testing Machine (model 1185) and thermal stability was determined by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The barrier characteristics of the studied samples i.e. oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen permeance at 23°C was performed using a Brugger (GDP-C model) permeability tester. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The permeability, the diffusion and the solubility constants of the gases in modified PE-LD films were calculated and the gas separation (CO2/O2 ; CO2/N2) ability was determined. In the presence of nanoparticles at lower content, the value of oxygen permeability of PE-LD significantly decreases. Also, the results have revealed that the samples containing zeolite and nanoclay have increased thermal stability in comparison to samples prepared only with zeolite. CONCLUSIONS Highly impermeable patches are obtained in PE- LD/Z/C due to embedding micronized zeolite (Z) and nanoclay (C). It is presumed that in quoted samples the optimal concentration of inorganic particle is present resulting in improved thermal stability, mechanical properties and reduced permeability.

PE-LD; composites; zeolite; nanoclay; permeability

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Helga Medić



Podaci o skupu

7th International Congress of Food Technologists, biotechnologists and nutritionists



Opatija, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Kemijsko inženjerstvo, Prehrambena tehnologija