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The Brioni Archipelago: Functional Identity of a Historical Landscape (CROSBI ID 43896)

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Schrunk Ivančica ; Begović Vlasta The Brioni Archipelago: Functional Identity of a Historical Landscape // Landscapes, Identities and Development / Roca Zoran ; Claval Paul ; Agnew John (ur.). Lahti: Ashgate Publishing, 2011. str. 137-149

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Schrunk Ivančica ; Begović Vlasta


The Brioni Archipelago: Functional Identity of a Historical Landscape

There is a particular spatial quality of Brioni's location between the eastern and western coast of the Adriatic, as well as on the Mediterranean edge of the sub-Alpine region. The network of these geographical relations shaped the Brioni landscape and seascape as a socio-cultural space throughout history. The archipelago has been on the major route for cultural and political interactions from prehistory to modern times. The Brioni islands can be described in an ecological-geographical sense as a combination of two Braudelian categories of Mediterranean landscapes: low, marshy plain and islands. In the biography of Brioni's landscape there is three key functions, which are closely related to its identity, dominate throughout history: (1) productive ; (2) defensive/security ; and (3) leisure and entertainment. In some periods - notably the Roman period - we find the combination of two or all three of them and see that those functions are interdependent.

historical landscape, Brioni archipelago, functional identity

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Roca Zoran ; Claval Paul ; Agnew John

Lahti: Ashgate Publishing



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