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Word-of-Mouth Marketing within Social Networking Sites (CROSBI ID 576408)

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Gregurec, Iva ; Ćorić, Ana ; Tomaš, Boris Word-of-Mouth Marketing within Social Networking Sites // Proceedings of the 22nd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems / Hunjak, Tihomir ; Lovrenčić, Sandra ; Tomičić, Igor (ur.). Varaždin, 2011. str. 227-233

Podaci o odgovornosti

Gregurec, Iva ; Ćorić, Ana ; Tomaš, Boris


Word-of-Mouth Marketing within Social Networking Sites

Word of Mouth as one of most prominent marketing techniques has a very long history. Its application in modern society, especially in wast social network, is something that is highly interesting. Social networks provide unique and dynamic method for spread of information. Information about specific product can be spread throughout entire network at very low price of simply posting an update on corporate social network profile or in a specialised journal. The main purpose of this study is to identify and quantify effects of word of mouth marketing across social networks Facebook and Twitter.

word-of-mouth; electronic word-of-mouth; Internet; social networking sites; Facebook; Twitter

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Podaci o matičnoj publikaciji

Hunjak, Tihomir ; Lovrenčić, Sandra ; Tomičić, Igor



Podaci o skupu

22nd Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems



Varaždin, Hrvatska

Povezanost rada

Ekonomija, Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti